King Crown
The restaurant is located inside a high-end apartment complex surrounded by low-rise buildings in the prospering District 2, facing the panoramic view of Binh Quoi peninsula from across the Saigon River.

The project is to be designed as a series of organic structures that resembles living, breathing organisms adjoining the riverbank. The boundary between the building and the landscape is then blurred, creating a beautiful synthesis between nature and architecture.

Kết cấu chính của công trình được làm bằng gỗ ghép, rất dễ dàng cho việc tháo dỡ và sửa chữa. Nhằm giảm các tác động tiềm ẩn đến môi trường, công trình hoàn toàn không sử dụng bê tông.

The main structure of the project is made of assembled wood, making it easy for dismantling and repairing. No concrete was to be used in the construction of the floating restaurant, to reduce the potential impacts on the environment. If you have watched the film My Neighbor Totoro, you would find that walking under the gigantic roof creates an inside-the-cat-bus feeling very much, with the curvy lines forming the inner structure of the building resembles the spine of a walking animal, while the interior decoration resonates in complete harmony with the holistic design, constituting the belly of cat Totoro.