Phu Yen Hotel
Since Phu Yen was selected to be the main shooting location for the movie “Yellow Flowers on Green Grass”, it immediately became a popular tourist destination. Commissioned to design the Phu Yen Hotel Project, D1 Group Architects wishes to make every visit to the hotel an unforgettable experience.

To seek inspiration for the Phu Yen Hotel design, D1 Group Architects design team had gone on a voyage from villages to forest and to the sea, to receive guidance from nature - the great creator. Nature always blesses us with new perspectives, unique artistic creations, innovative shapes and textures, intelligent details, and operating mechanisms.

Những hình lục giác gồ ghề trên Ghềnh Đá Đĩa, những hoa văn trên quả dứa dại và thuyền thúng đã được khéo léo đưa vào thiết kế của khách sạn Phú Yên, nhằm thể hiện sức mạnh tiềm tàng của công trình, của thiên nhiên và dệt nên mối liên kết giữa kiến trúc và thiên nhiên Phú Yên. Cấu trúc tầng trệt của khách sạn được ghép bởi nhiều hình lục giác lồng vào nhau, tạo nên hình dạng của tổ ong, một trong những sáng tạo bền vững nhất, hoàn hảo nhất của mẹ thiên nhiên.

The rugged hexagonal form on the Da Dia Reef, the patterns on the wild pineapple and on the basket boat are cleverly integrated into the design of Phu Yen Hotel, to emphasize the force of the construction, of nature, and weave the intimacy between architecture and Phu Yen’s nature. The hotel’s ground level structure is formed by many interlocking hexagons, altogether constituting the shape of the honeycomb, one of the most enduring, impeccable creations of mother nature
Adorned the reception area are not aristocratic tropical plants but prickly cacti brushes, a symbol of the sandy area of Phu Yen and also a symbol of the industriousness, patience and creativity of locals who always have to wrestle with the torrid equatorial climate and the treacherous sea.
As the sophisticated combination of modern design and cultural heritage, as the fruit of the investor’s devotion and architects' dedication, the hotel promises to be one of the most memorable tourist attractions at Phu Yen City.